Monday, April 07, 2008


On 5th, I went to sri kaalahasti temple(andhra) with my mother.... This ancient temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva (as Sri Kalahastheeswarar) and his consort Parvathi (as Gnanaprasunnambika). This is one of the Panchabootha Sthalams

Sri(spider), Kala(snake), hasti(elephant)
It's is an important day in my life.

what is love ?
According to Kambar(kavi chakravarty), love refers to deep devotion or faith with perfect fusion of the minds. If this love is directed towards the Divine
(பக்தி, தூயஅன்பு) , it becomes extremely unselfish and absolute. Love towards other human beings is mixed with varying degrees of selfishness. Love which comes close to divine love is that of the mother to the child (தாய் அன்பு); love between man and woman is (காதல்); love between brothers or family members is pAsam (பாசம்); love between friends is natpu (நட்பு).

My next visit is garbarakshambigai temple near thanjavur... parvati devi decide's the date to see her kind face.... week-ends, i will be going to iskon temple to see srimadhi radha rani cute face by my new Pulsar 150 dtsi.

On 9th, lakshmi devi and saraswathi looks very happy.... I didn't see both of them happy together before..I told them that i should always see the smiley face.. On 6th morning, I showed saraswati to my mother, when she came here.

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